Remote work has become a popular workplace environment for many specialised employees. A big reason for this is because the benefits of remote work outweigh the disadvantages that it once had.

As the digital age progresses in time so does the way humans do their daily work activities. This includes working remotely from home while utilising the many remote work tips that have created a seamless and productive output between employers and employees.

While the benefits of remote working have become increasingly visible, few understand why such a change produces valuable results. That is what we are here to discuss today: employee retention in IT and why it is more effective with remote workers.

What is Remote Work?

The benefits of remote work and its relation to the very nature of itself go hand in hand. Remote work is a type of work environment where employees use the Internet or other digital communication services to proceed with their projects in the comfort of their homes.

It has always been a form of work setup but gained traction during the COVID-19 pandemic when lockdowns occurred for years. 

Since then, remote working has become a staple in tech-heavy industries such as digital marketing, information technology, creatives, and analysts. The idea is to let employees work in the comfort of their homes without having to work onsite every day, reducing their travel time hours and creating an undisturbed space to do their jobs.

How can Remote Work help with IT Employee Retention?

Remote work has advantages that help with satisfying their employees. One of the main benefits of remote work is how flexible it can be to ensure the employees remain productive, satisfied, and happy with their setup.

In comparison to situations where onsite IT employees are forced to visit every day and receive complaints about the software after hours, IT employees can now continue debugging in silence with focused precision and are able to work on emergency issues without relying on devices stuck at the office.

It also makes their time more adjustable, giving them more leeway to create solutions and solve errors that they find quickly. However, there are more than just these two reasons that remote work has become a factor in IT employee retention.

Benefits of Remote Work for IT Employee Retention

Below, you’ll find seven more benefits that remote work offers in terms of employee retention in IT workers. These benefits each explain why it retains employees in IT and how it affects a company’s overall growth. 


benefits of remote work

Benefit 1: Increased Job Satisfaction

IT employee retention directly relates to how satisfied these employees are with their work. Depending on how well-treated they are, an employee may build a relationship with the company and have loyalty towards its cause.

Job satisfaction differs for each employee. Whether it’s the right pay, the right management, flexible arrangements, or overall job tasks. Most of these benefits can be handled through remote work’s convenience experience. 

Being able to stay in the comfort of their home without concerning themselves with commute traffic, expenses on lunches and coffee, as well as having to be distracted through noise chatter is a great benefit for remote workers who prefer silence and concentration. It’s especially true for IT workers who need extreme concentration between projects.

Benefit 2: Access to a Wider Talent Pool

The benefits of remote work also include the talent pool access that recruitment teams will have because of the work setup. 

Not only do you get a wide range of specialised and talented candidates who wish to work with your company, but you also receive experienced remote workers who are looking for a company that respects their need for remote work.

More and more employees prefer to work in remote locations. This is why onsite employers tend to find it more difficult to find employees in comparison to those who are looking online for employees who give out fair wages in exchange for their specialties.

In terms of retention, employees (especially those in IT) would rather remain in a remote work setting rather than leave the comfort of their homes to work for another company. So not only do you receive impressive professionals to hire, but you also gain their retention as long as you allow them to work in the setup of their choosing.

Benefit 3: Reduced Overhead Costs

One of the big benefits of remote work for employees is the reduction of costs they spend when onsite. IT employees who have to lug around their specialised laptops to work, commute to and back between work and home, while paying for expensive lunches based on the location of the office, prefer to remain at home where their hardware remains safe.

Not only their hardware but spending money due to transportation and food expenses on a daily basis can take a toll on an employee’s salary. This is why the reduced overhead costs keep IT employees happy in remote work setups.

It isn’t just the employees that gain a benefit and reduced costs. For employers who have to rent out workspaces and equipment, the gas emissions caused by keeping offices maintained (whether technology, car fuels, or others) are also reduced.

Benefit 4: Better Work-Life Balance

Flexible work policies are also a reason why the IT retention rate is high. As one of the big benefits of remote work in the digital age, a work-life balance promotes not only the health and wellness of the employee but also their overall productivity within the company.

There are many ways to ensure that an employee has a better work-life balance than onsite workers. The first half is to ensure that employees clock off immediately after work to prevent them from exceeding their hours with their tasks.

Following that is to ensure that they have a healthy office space within the home that has minimal distractions, ample light, fast Internet, and an ergonomic chair to ensure proper posture. 

Furthermore, work-life balance should include building relationships and encouraging breaks between work to continue the productivity and time management of each employee. This ensures retention thanks to their health benefits and the concerns of their management. 

Benefit 5: Enhanced Productivity

There are a few good reasons why remote workers are more productive. Not only does the IT retention rate increase due to the benefits of remote work productivity and balance, but it also ensures that they work at a comfortable pace so that they can get the most work done.

Enhanced productivity relates to the employee’s mental state, focus, and communication. They should have access to effective communication channels, support the wellness of their employees, and ensure their designated home offices are placed in an undisturbed location.

The productivity, which is a direct result of proper management of these remote workers, ensures that their employees retain their enhanced work ethic while enjoying their career with your company.

Benefit 6: Decreased Employee Turnover

Remote IT team management directly relates to employee turnover rates and the benefits an employee receives at work. Ensuring the quality of your employer’s health, mental wellness, satisfaction, and task delivery is crucial to ensuring they remain happy and productive members of the company.

Alongside the many benefits of remote work that they receive, these employees are also ones that recruitment and management have invested time in teaching, involving, collaborating, and introducing new techniques in their profession to improve your brand’s growth.

Turnover rates cost a loss of income on training manuals, management training, and all the knowledge they received during their stay. As long as you want to retain your remote work setup to be healthy, productive, and an avenue of knowledge, retention of employment will grow.

Benefit 7: Stronger Employment Brand

Last on our list of the benefits of remote work for IT employee retention is the branding a company receives once they’ve accomplished all that’s needed to ensure a high retention rate. Companies that ensure quality work-life and effective performances of their employees receive a reputation from both their candidates and clients.

Not only do candidates believe the feedback received from their fellow employees, but the relationship between employers and employees relates to the effectiveness of a brand’s service. Clients who can find themselves a reputable service notice the difference between synchronised employees and those with high turnover rates.

The more your brand increases its reputation of having a high retention rate, excellent service, and effective collaboration, the higher your overall sales will be.


That concludes the 7 benefits of remote work for IT employee retention. We hope these benefits have given you the right information to help you decide on the next steps for your business’s growth.

Are you curious to learn more about remote working? Explore how remote work can transform your IT department’s dynamics and retention rates. Contact us to learn more about implementing effective remote work policies.