Using version control for remote teams collaborating on a project is a great way to boost your company’s productivity. Once you understand the ropes of VCS, you’ll find your teams working more closely and providing valuable progress. 

This kind of effective productivity generates high-quality work in a sufficient timespan with fewer errors, miscommunications, and other setbacks that could potentially delay your business process.

However, version control systems shouldn’t just be something for software developers to understand. Project managers, employers, and other members of the company should be familiar with it so that questions and errors that arise can be isolated or spotted even by them.

So, how do you master VCS effectively? Below are the best practices when using version control during remote collaboration and a quick guide to its definition and benefits.

What is a Version Control System (VCS)

Before we begin mastering the best strategies to using version control for remote teams, it’s important to know what this system is. Version control is the process of tracking changes within a software code. The system itself keeps records of each file and version for easy access by its developers.

There are many types of version control systems that you can use. Take note that the three most popular VCS platforms are Git, Azure DevOps Server, and Helix Core. Depending on your needs for software development and the size of your business, these three will likely be suitable for your brand.

The Benefits of Using VCS for Remote Teams

There are two major benefits to using version control for remote teams. The first one is its ability to track changes within the system and compile them. It’s handy for remote teams to revert to previous versions of the code if bugs occur during a recent update.

Another major benefit is being accessible to all remote team members simultaneously. If done correctly, multiple developers can continue working on their specific tasks together without overwriting or clashing with each other’s efforts.

Aside from these two major benefits, being able to organise the work and updates done to the project while having good visibility on the changes in the project. 

Best Practices When Using Version Control for Remote Teams

Software developers use many types of version control systems. However, this doesn’t change which strategies are most suitable for manoeuvring through version control. Listed below are the four best practices that you can utilise with your remote teams for more efficient and productive growth.

Preventing Merge Conflicts

When using version control for remote teams, the most common problem comes from merge conflicts. Once businesses need more software developers, it’s easy to get lost and confused about who’s working on what and the steps they’ve taken to increase the company’s action.

This causes frequent merge conflicts as a result. Merge conflicts refer to changes performed in a single file that causes conflicts with other people’s work. Distributed teams with no proper testing or communication can cause conflicting commands which leads to bugs.

Prevent merge conflicts with consistent reviewing of the code, testing it, and isolating lines being edited.

Maintain Communication Lines

A helpful tip when managing version control for remote teams is maintaining communication. Merge conflicts and other errors on the file can be avoided with effective communication. Using version control systems for remote teams will require extra effort in discussing and clearing roles between members of the team.

Maintain communication with the team by using uniform channels such as emails, instant messaging, and video chatting. Meetings held regularly can also keep everyone up to speed on the day-to-day tasks and upcoming processes that each member has.

It’s best to utilise all official forms of communication rather than using only one. Emails can be a source of documentation, instant messaging for quick communication, and video chats for meetings.

There are many instant messaging and video chat software your company can choose to use. Doing so prevents miscommunication and creates a clear understanding of the roles of each member. 

Consistent Workflow

Version control in software engineering is a daunting task that requires advanced technical knowledge and techniques. Even after learning to navigate through it in a basic format, learning more about its abilities and how to collaborate within it is an ongoing process.

There must always be a standard practice when using version control for remote teams. This workflow should be familiar, easy to understand, and notified of. When there are updates within the VCS, the members using it should opt for training sessions on how to utilise the new features.

A template showing the process of each employee working in the VCS and their outputs should be measured to reach a realistic standard for progress. Not only does this prevent any setbacks on the file’s functionality, but it also increases productivity for the members of the team and ensures input and quality.

Increase Security

A big concern in using version control systems for remote teams is security. Data breaches have become more frequent in the past few years, causing concerns and upgrades within the cybersecurity community. 

Some of these security breaches could come from inside the company itself, causing disputes within the company and a lack of trust. Secure your file’s connections by encrypting your data, managing access controls, and auditing regularly to check in on any possible changes caused by an unauthorised user.

To ensure your employees’ access isn’t being mishandled, place a multi-factor authentication key on your platform. That way, any potential hacking committed by a criminal pretending to be your employee will have difficulty in breaching.

Choosing the Right VCS for a Remote Team

There’s no right answer when it comes to the best version control for remote teams. Especially since there are many remote development tools to consider alongside it. Depending on the strength, number of employees, and growth of your business, one version control could be better than the other.

It all comes down to your team’s capabilities, your budget, the quality you’re looking for in terms of security, and the sizes of your files. On the bright side, there’s bound to be one that will suit the size of your files, budget, and the workflow of your team.

Take into consideration the relationship of your team members. Collaboration is a big part of using version control systems. This is why every member must be flexible and have a standard workflow you can estimate before choosing your VCS.

After that, prepare the expenses you can allocate from your budget for purchasing and maintaining your version control. Depending on the sizes of your files, you can find a reasonably priced one on the market as well.


These best practices will help you maximise the use of version control for remote teams. Take advantage of the tool’s utility and your team’s collaboration to improve your software development. 

Still having trouble with remote work practices, how can we make it more efficient? Learn more about the best ways to ensure quality work-life balance on our blog page for more tips!