Are you thinking about hiring remote developers? It’s good you’re considering it. Times have changed, and the digital age is here to bring about a new kind of workforce that has never been encountered before. It takes a specific set of skills to manage and work for people from long distances and remain efficient and collaborative.

So, how do you go about finding someone with the best remote developer skills for your brand? 

It’s a mixture of both traditional and technical methods of searching for your candidates. These steps are crucial in organising your candidates and optimising them to make an informed decision.

Say goodbye to the tiresome manual organisation and racking your brain on which qualities are more important than the other. Just follow these steps, and you’ll find yourself with the best outcome and the perfect remote team hiring strategy!

Why Hire Remote Developers?

Many companies have opted to hiring remote developers because of the benefits you can achieve. Just one of the many reasons to hire a remote developer is its cost-effectiveness, improved streamlining in business processing, and more innovative ideas given by specialists hired remotely.

Even better, remote teams give you access to a larger talent pool with world-class professionalism and niche specialties that you require for your company’s growth.

While all of this sounds great, remote team hiring isn’t the same as hiring onsite workers. There are specific steps you need to take to screen your candidates and interview them, too, but this time, it’s all in the digital world.

Not to mention, there are a lot of people who will apply and be eligible for the position you’re hiring for. That’s going to be overwhelming and can even get messy.  So how do you organise the way to hiring remote developers? Below are the steps you need to follow.

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6 Steps to Hiring the Best Remote Developers

There are 6 important remote interview techniques and steps that you should utilise when hiring remote developers. Keep in mind that each step has a purpose, and if implemented correctly, you are bound to find the perfect employee for your IT needs.

hiring remote developers

Define Your Needs

The first step is to define which remote software developer jobs are required for your business. There are many IT-related jobs that use different specialties and techniques. Learn more about what your company needs and what professionals can fulfil this position.

Keep in mind that there are different programming languages, software, and coding techniques for each objective. Once you have defined a company’s needs, look into what type of remote developer can provide your brand with a solution.

Screen Candidates

Hiring remote developers means screening applicants and advertising for your company. Get your recruitment teams to create advertising campaigns about wanting to hire developers. There will be plenty of applicants depending on the effectiveness of your recruitment team.

The problem comes in when screening the candidates that qualify for your needs. Luckily, there are some screening tools that can help you organise which applicants fit your brand’s values and have their skills. 

You can screen them using compatibility quizzes, skill assessments, and their ability to communicate and adjust to your company’s shifts.

Conduct Interviews

Once you have arranged your potential hires through the screening process, it’s time to conduct interviews with your candidates. When hiring remote developers, it’s more likely that you will conduct your interviews online or through the phone.

Keep in mind to receive their contact information or note it down from their resumes to set a proper schedule.  It’s also important to optimise your time when conducting interviews. This means having your questions and necessary information that you need to inquire from them ready.

Some companies choose to utilise video chat software like Zoom, Microsoft, and Google Meets to have visuals on their candidates while discussing during the interview. Meanwhile, other companies prefer using cellular phones to reach their candidates instead.

Keep in mind that you should have at least one to two interviews with your candidates: one with the recruiter to acquire specific information and the other with the team leaders or managers who might hire them.

Assess Skills and Technical Capability

The next step to hiring remote developers requires a bit more effort on your part. Should they pass through your interviews and requirements, it’s time to assess their skills and technical capability. When you hire software developers, it’s only natural to want them to do their work properly and efficiently.

Create an assessment test to learn how much each candidate knows how to handle technically and skillfully. This way, you can find yourself learning which of your applicants provides better solutions and innovative processes in comparison to others that fit your company’s needs.

Check cultural compatibility

Many recruiters tend to overlook the importance of cultural compatibility. However, by checking in on how well each candidate fits culturally with the company, they risk a high turnover rate. This is because the values of your remote worker and your company align perfectly, creating an environment that works towards the same goal in the same manner.

A great example of this is when Australian businesses go about hiring remote developers in the Philippines. Not only do Filipinos speak the same language as Australians, but they’re also nearby enough that the time difference does not cause difficulties for the remote workers while having a similar Westernised outlook on company culture.

Make an offer and onboard

Once you have found yourself the perfect candidate, it’s time to make an offer and onboard your applicant. When making an offer, it’s important to know that each specialist has different fees. Be careful when hiring remote developers who work from home, as their salaries and the ones you can offer may have a vast difference.

This means not making your offer too low to entice the applicant to join your company. To do this, it’s best to ask them about their asking salary. Some specialists may be too expensive compared to what you expected to hire for. To ensure both the applicant and the company are following the salary, find out how much they request and check in on negotiating prices.


Following these 6 easy steps to hiring remote developers will ensure your company’s recruitment team will lessen the time searching for your new employee and more time on onboarding them efficiently.

What about if you don’t have a large team of recruiters to help you out? Don’t worry, contact Remote Developers today and we’ll help you get started!

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