Remote Developer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest technologies! Read and learn about the new trends, software development, remote working, and digital revolutions across the globe.

Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch In 2022

Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch In 2022

Social media is one of the most potent and most used tools globally. According to Statista, there is an estimated 3.96 billion social network users worldwide. And these number is estimated to increase to 4.41 billion by 2025. This data makes it undeniable why social...

Top 8 Web Design and UI Trends to Follow in 2022

Top 8 Web Design and UI Trends to Follow in 2022

Web design is ever-changing. The trend for the best and popular is evolving with the technology and demand. Business needs to stay up to beat this rising demand for new and fresh things in the digital realm. And if they don't follow these trends, they potentially...

Top 7 Must-have Soft Skills for Remote Developer

Top 7 Must-have Soft Skills for Remote Developer

The global pandemic has changed the way how workers work. With the work from the policy implemented by companies, employees want to continue their work from home set up, and some even want permanently work remotely. According to a survey conducted by FlexJobs, out of...

Importance of Software Testing and Why you should Implement it

Importance of Software Testing and Why you should Implement it

Software and application revolutionized the way we live. People have entirely integrated software in their lives, employment, education, and even simple things like doing chores. It enhances how a business operates and makes tasks easier for everyone. That is why...

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